Learn about NECA Foundation
We support educationcareer developmentresearch
Established in 2006, the NECA Foundation was set up to provide an opportunity for industry mentors to “Give Back” what they feel they got out of the industry by encouraging the next generation of our industry to further their education and skills with leadership. NECA Foundation is a registered charity that supports education and career development initiatives in the electrotechnology industry.

Supporting the Electro-technology Industry
How NECA Foundation can help you?
Give now to change tomorrow.
Donate to education and research to conquer impossible challenges in the electrotechnology industry.NECA Foundation Site Office to Head Office
Industry-Specific Leadership Program
Program Information
The program aims to provide a pathway for talented people to find lifetime careers, financial rewards and succession planning in their contracting business.

Our Board of directors is accountable for our strategy, activities and performance.